Upcoming Webinars
Closed Webinars
Bioeconomy in our daily life- webinar: "Bioplastics in your daily life"
(Dutch hub and Nordic hub)
Sept 29th, 10:00-11:45 CET
Language: English
Climate change, damaged wood, falling prices: with bioeconomy out of the crisis
(Austrian and German hub)
September 3th, 10:00-11:30 CET
Language: German
Bioeconomía Circular con el sector del olivar y de la industria del aceite de oliva / Circular bioeconomy with the olive sector and the olive oil industry
(Spanish hub)
July 14th, 10:30-13:00 CET
Language: Spanish
Biologiczna ochrona roślin / Living organisms in the protection of agricultural production
(Polish hub)
June 4th, 17:00-18:15 CET
Language: Polish
De circulaire bio-economie in ons dagelijks leven: wat is de circulaire bio-economie en wat betekent deze economie voor Emmen?
(Dutch hub)
May 27th, 14:00-15:00 CET
Language: Dutch
Bio-based materials - possibilities and challenges
(Nordic hub)
March 10th, 18-19.30 EET
Language: Finnish