On the 18th and 19th June 2018, the first consortium meeting of the Bloom project took place in Krakow, Poland. The project is being implemented by 12 partner organizations from 8 countries, ranging from research centres and universities to NGOs.
Currently across Europe, five regional hubs are being established to foster public engagement in the bioeconomy and to create a space of exchange and debate. The hubs are focusing on different areas important to the regions. They will enlarge their regional networks with Civil Society Organisations and engage young European citizens, science communication networks, NGOs, media and — crucially — the general public, through a series of co-creation workshops and outreach activities. Additionally, schools in ten different European countries are specifically involved and working on how to integrate bioeconomy into the diverse European school systems.
Stay updated how Bloom is engaging EU citizens and civil society in the bioeconomy, find out how policymakers and researchers can get involved in the hubs, and keep an eye open for upcoming opportunities, conferences and events via the project website and our social media channels.